

                                   Producing Beautiful Shelties Sound in Mind and Body
                                                                   A Lifetime Of Devotion
                                                                          Since 1984
                                                      Quality Is Achieved Through Dedication


Balto at one year with my other love a German Shepherd puppy,


 My love for the Sheltie began 34 years ago when I was 14 years old and I took my neighbors beautiful little sheltie girl to my first obedience class. We were one heck of a team and we took first place in the class with trophy and all, we even won over a gorgeous Doberman that was smart as a whip! That is when I first realized what a sheltie really was and how extremely intelligent they are not to mention how beautiful they are also. I never got this breed out of my blood after that. I have had a true love for them ever since childhood, and that love has never not once slacked off for me. I will love this breed till the day I die!


Located in the northern woods of Wisconsin in the county of Marinette, about 1 1/2 hours north of Green Bay. We moved here from lower Michigan where I was born and raised. When I first moved into this area there were no quality sheltie breeders or true sheltie enthusiast at all in this northern neck of the woods that I knew of. Well now there are 2 of us, myself and Suzara Shelties. They have the same ideals for breeding shelties as I do, to produce top of the line quality shelties for showing and for outstanding wonderful companians as well as shelties with the brains to compete in agility and obedience. We want the all around working, sturdy little herding dog for which they were meant to be, and with a beauty that is most noticable. 

 I walk my group all at the same time without leashes. I believe that by walking them unleashed teaches them to trust you and to listen to you. Mine will not venture away from me very far and if I stop they come runnning back to see what I'm doing, that's the sheltie breed for you, very loyal. I do carry leashes with us on our trips just incase something comes across our path, like a coyote, wolf or even the local bear. 

From what I call "starting from scratch", I produced beautiful show quality puppies all in just 4 generations! One look at Nugget and you can see the quality of my 4th generation! 
Now that's what it is all about, working to improve. 
A true ethical breeder that is into this for the betterment of the breed WILL and MUST have a specific goal in mind and work their hardest to achieve it.  It's not about having litters to JUST sell the puppies thinking only about making money, like some people are trying to do, ( one definition of a "puppy mill"), without regard to understanding the breed standard and working accordingly from it.  It is about improving the breed and continuing with future generations of sound beautiful shelties that are a true blessing to live with. 
I am very proud of what I have achieved with establishing my lines of true quality bred Shetland Sheepdog's.  Now my final goal is to get them into the show ring and get them what they deserve and that is their Championship title!
But this is a very expensive hobby. Although this summer I will be dabbling in some shows just to get our feet wet and have fun....Can't wait!!!
Providing everyone I have in mind to enter stays in coat!!  
I'am a firm believer in linebreeding.   If you look at a pedigree that is behind most all of the top producing Champions you will see they have come out of linebreeding's. When done correctly it bring's out the best in producing healthy, free of genetic defects and beautiful conformationally correct dog's.
It is concentrating on the desireable traits we want and need and  eliminating the undesirable traits we don't want.  Outcrossing does have it's place though. It  should be introduced into lines that are already established from linebred dog's. The outcross dog to be introduced should also come from a pedigree of linebreeding in order for this to work it's best.  If you were to throw 2 dog's together that are a total outcross, they then will give inconsistancies in the offspring. That's not to say an outcross will not give you the outcome you a pleasing outcome but you will always run into unpredictable results, where as linebreeding is a more predictable outcome.  I think we all want consistancies in our progency so that they too can pass on the same look "type" and are strong for producing themselves for health and sound temperaments.  

Here at Wynwood's I have very limited number's of litter's. In 8 years I have had only 5 litters and I have kept one puppy per litter from 4 of the 5 litters for myself.  When I do a breeding it is strictly for what I want to produce for myself and my breeding program. Of course we always have the extra babies that need homes that are as wonderful and faithful as they are. I am very careful what homes I place my babies into. It is not the first person that comes up with the price for the puppy, it is the person I feel will give my baby a home life where it is a member of the family and loved till the end.                                        

Ok, to my History:                                                                                                                      


I purchased my first little tri girl  "Charlie", reg. name 'Teaberry Lane Wild Card' in 1984. I bought her from a very reputable Breeder/AKC judge by the name of Dorothy Cobb Burns aka Teaberry Lane Shelties, in lower Michigan at that time. She helped me learn about the breed and also helped me in so many other ways with breeding to whelping etc. I later bought a beautiful male from her but he went oversized and I placed him in a wonderful pet home.      

In the late 1980's, I had a female shipped over to me in Michigan ,(my home state), from Wisconsin, her name was "Crystal" reg. name Wynwood's Crystal -N- Satin whom I bred to A/C Ch. Barwoods Impact. That litter consisted of just 2 puppies a boy and a girl both of which were absolutley gorgoeus!! Unfortunatley my life wasn't as beautiful as they were and I decided a divorce was the only way to a better life but with that I was forced to part with those "Impact" pups. It was a very hard decision at the time as I worked hard to get those babies, the mistake I made is that I did not register them in my kennel name so I went unoticed as the breeder/owner of them.

The male who I had named "Casey" became Can.Ch. Ross Roi's Takin Care Of Biznes, and the girl became Valmars Answered Prayer's, she produced some fine show dog's and Champions at that. With all the heartache of having to part with all of my shelties except for my Charlie girl, I had decided I would always have a sheltie in my life but I was done with the breeding and hopes of producing my own champion and I concentrated on raising my 2 young son's. Well needless to say as life takes many paths in 1996 the "Bug" bit me again after I was given a little tri male that was in a neglectful home by the name of "Buddy". I had planned on socializing him then rehoming him, but he changed that when he bounded so strongly with my youngest son Tanner. He was "his" dog and this little 13 inch sheltie would feircley protect him! He did not trust other kid's because of the home he came from but he worshipped Tanner. One year later I got a little girl who we named "Shelby" and decided to have a litter because I missed birthing and raising babies so much. She and Buddy had their first litter and the puppies were of very good quality that I decided to have one more litter. 2 weeks after the breeding Tanner's little Buddy got out in the middle of the night in a snow storm and we never seen him again. Tanner took it very hard!! I told him if Shelby was pregnant then he could pick out a puppy and it would be his. At that time I did not know if Shelby was even pregnant. Well she was and she had a beautiful litter of 4 boy's!! Tanner took right to the biggest fattest "bully" pup who is our "Balto". Later I wanted Shelby to have one more litter because I wanted a chance for my first blue merle puppy. With her being tri factored I was looking for a blue stud, so that's when I found Mary Temple through the breeder I got Shelby from and she had a beautiful blue male who we tried many different times to breed with her but to no avail, she never took, but that is how I came about my friendship with Mary. It was through her I was able to get back my lines through a show bitch [ reg. name Hevonleigh's No Greater Love , akc pt.d ] she bought. One day I was looking at her pedigree when I realized her grandmother  Valmar's Answered Prayer , [by the way who produced A/C Ch. Ross Roi's Ballistic Missile ] was my little girl "Impact" puppy from the breeding to A/C Ch. Barwoods Impact and my Crystal!! Mary promised me that I would get a puppy from that bitch when she breed her, so that is now my Madison , Makats Gift To Wynwood. 

 Well as fate will have it I became aware that my old Charlie's bloodline now lives in my newest member Riley. That makes him even more special!! I found out he has Charlie girl as his G.G.G.Grandmother on his mothers side and also her daughter, Lantana's It's A New Note, is his G.G. Grandmother. My kennel name was Lantana before I changed it to Wynwoods in the late 80's.

Some say that thing's in your life will eventually come full circle and in my case with my shelties it is!! Not only did I get back those lines from Barwoods Impact ( Luke ) but I also have a piece of my Charlie girl in Riley, both of which I thought were lost forever and now I have them back, even if it is in such a small way.                     

I feel this site would not be complete if I did not give a very special Thank You to my friend and confidant, Mary Temple at Makats Shelties.I couldn't be more fortunate than I am to have her as a friend. Through her I was able able to gain back what I lost. She has been a support system at times when I needed her and her humorous wisdom.                                                       

If you live in Mcihigan and are looking for a sheltie, click the link below to visit her site:


 There is a form to fill out if you are interested in a puppy or have questions on the "Contact Me" button in the navagation bar, it is an easier way to send me an email.

Please go to "Contact Me" page for any questions
go to "Contact Me" page for any questions
Hope You Enjoy Your Visit To My Site,

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I do prefer phone calls and are a MUST if you are considering buying one of my shelties.

Charlie 1986
My first sheltie "Charlie" with my oldest son in 1986

 Member of the Green Bay Shetland Sheepdog Club of Wisconsin

*** Please Note that buyer's are responsible for all PayPal fee's or any other charges inquired to the purchase of their Sheltie****

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Feel free to Bark at me.....Let's Sheltie Talk....

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