

My "Holly" being the latest as of January 18th-09. She is only 6 1/2 weeks in the pictures.  A Tri CHW ( color headed white ) and the pick of the litter.

Holly is my very first CHW in 25 years of breeding shelties. I have always adored them and now I have one. She is the spittin image in looks and body as well as personality as her father Riley, you can see him on my boy's page, although I only have this past summers photos of him and he is out of coat so I need to update but he is blowing again Grrrrrr....When does it ever end?

Daddy "Riley", pictured below,  he also has his own page too and you can see him grow, click on his name in red, and also see his father BISS CH.C-Mar Color Code "Cody" who now resides here with me.
Although these are not the best photos it's the best I can do right now with it being sub zero outside!! so I will be getting much better one's up as soon as the weather is not so bitter cold and we have a nice sunny day!

Holly A CHW Tri girl
Holly 6 weeks

This is daddy, Riley, a BISS CH. C-Mar Color Code son.
This picture was taken this past summer when he was out of coat and still is, so I will update when he has his full wardrobe on


This is the guy that started it all for me to build on my AOAC lines......BISS CH. C-Mar Color Code "Cody"
I was hooked on him from the moment I seen his picture and was thrilled to be able to aquire one of his son's and now he is MINE!!! 

Cody, grandfather to Holly and Crissy

 Member of the Green Bay Shetland Sheepdog Club of Wisconsin

*** Please Note that buyer's are responsible for all PayPal fee's or any other charges inquired to the purchase of their Sheltie****

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              Wynwoods Shelties           

                                                            Website designed by Tana
      All photo's and other content on this site are owned by Tana, so PLEASE do not   take, reproduce, or copy any of my personal content without contacting me first and only with my written permission.
                To aquire any of the GIFs I have used, you can visit my "Links" page to find them,
                                 All they require is a link back to them from your website.



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