
Can. Ch. Ross Roi's Takin Care of Biznes

Can Ch. Ross Rois Takin Care of Biznes

Doreen Payne of "Shantro's Shelties" in Canada sent me these show pictures of "Carry" Can Ch. Ross Roi's Takin Care of Biznes, my first born champion sired by A/C Ch. Barwoods Impact, (who through the efforts of Debbie Ross, obtained him his title). 
Thanks To Doreen for sending me his pictures because without her sweetness as a person I would have never known what a beautiful boy he turned out to be!! I had no pictures of him.
 I lost all pictures including those of his sister "Annie"  "Valamar's Answered Prayers". Actually I just found these pictures a few weeks ago too. I misplaced them after we moved here from Michigan and could not find them to save my soul, so I had not seen them since 2003 when Doreen sent them to me until now, and again I was so happy!  Now I am able to share them on my website.

 Member of the Green Bay Shetland Sheepdog Club of Wisconsin

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