
Misty's growth progression


Misty was a drop dead gorgeous baby with outstanding structure at a very early age and still to this day!
She went through her gangly stage at 4 months, but started to come  back together at 7 1/2 months. 
I could not have asked for much better in structure, she sets herself up beautifully each and everytime she stops, never a foot out of place. Misty cannot be shown because her ears are unpredictable, one day they are straight up then another day they are just barely tipped. But she is making herself extremely valuable in the whelping box~!~ She produced one litter so far with BISS Ch. C-Mar Color Code and produced gorgeous puppies. She will be bred again so I will be expecting puppies some time early August,2010

Now at 20 weeks and looking better!

Another structure picture at 7 months
Misty 7 months

at 17 weeks and starting the "gangly" stage!!

7 months
Misty 7 months
coating up nicley

9 weeks

6 weeks and stacking!!

12 weeks

Misty 14 days and plump
misty 14 days

Misty newborn, still wet

 Member of the Green Bay Shetland Sheepdog Club of Wisconsin

*** Please Note that buyer's are responsible for all PayPal fee's or any other charges inquired to the purchase of their Sheltie****

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